‘Magnus Chase and the hammer of Thor’ Rick Riordan

Thor’s mighty hammer has gone missing once again it has fallen into the hands of the Thunder Gods worst enemies, the giants who tag team with Loki the God of mischief. It’s up to Magnus Chase and his group of diverse magical mystical friends to find it before the giants and Loki use it to destroy the nine worlds. The second book in the Magnus Chase series begins on earth but as you read more the characters begin to travel within the nine worlds. The characters face many problems along the voyage, some of those are traps placed by Loki to send them into the wrong direction such as being stuck in a cave with Zombie Vikings trying to murder them and being put in a trial of games against giants where whoever won got to decapitate the losers. Magnus Chase son of Frey God of growth and fertility is a demi-god with incredible abilities to heal and make things grow, he is also a strong courageous warrior who puts other’s lives before his own and always tries to do...